Corset laced tightly
Garters knotted above the knee
A rustled feel of silk
As the dress glides down her body
Heated water for shaving
A snowy white linen shirt waits
Crisp creasing, line
The very front of trousers
Feathered with beading creation for her
Solid satin and velvet for him
Masks hide upper and lower
Portions of facial features
Cloaks and cooler wear handed over
Thousands of candles flicker
Musicians play somewhere in the din
The air is heavy with anticipation
She blushes
Heated looks directed her way
The burnished gold of her gown
Lends highlights to her red-brown hair
Dressed, the style of latest fashion
Firm upthrusting of breasts
While tapering the waist
Leaving a trail of fabric to follow
He pulls at diamond encrusted cuff links
Ensuring their continued presence
Taking a glass from passing trays
Unaware of the appreciating looks he receives
Attired in dark breeches
With waist and short coat to match
The lightness of his shirt
Sets him apart in a sea of colours
Music growing louder, dancing begins
The intimacy of the atmosphere
Rules begin to blur
Dancing with the same partner becomes unnoticed
Catering to the darker of society
Alcoves wait, just out of sight
Standing ready for those who wish
To linger beyond a dance
Rashly choosing to "experience" herself
She is unprepared for the sensual stirring
That permeates the heavy air
Ready to abandon this ill conceived plot
Turning on slippered heel
Dress accentuating every curve
Stops short, all thoughts fleeing
The sight of raw maleness bearing down on her
He ponders the fresh face
Standing just affront the dimness
Almost inviting one,
To escort her back into the darkness
Noting that he is not alone
In his discovery of her
Knowing she'd not remain so for long
He quickly hastens to her acquaintance
Ensnared by deep, dark, liquid eyes
Her heart slamming in her chest
Bowing, he requests her hand on the next dance
Accepting she enjoys the thrill of anxiety that floods her
A brief moment, he feared she would rabbit
Denying him the feel of her softness brushing against him
Seeing resolve replace fear
The first fingers of heat begin to prick
to be continued