It's 3:30am and I'm going to try to go to bed...again. I've just finished watching PRS, probably not the smartest thing to go to sleep on, considering their "dead time" is between 3am and 4am. Being right at the mid point now, my ears and eyes will prick up at any sound/sight initially unrecognized. But I get ahead of myself.
PRS stands for Paranormal Research Society. It's on A&E at 10pm, then again at 2am. And of course you are rolling your eye's and snorting but I am intitled to my own belief and one of them happens to be things that go bump in the night. With good reason.
I was the "weird" kid to begin with. I can honestly say that I haven't really out grown that yet. So it should come as no great shock when I say "I see dead people" On a side note I would point out that as a child I saw a greater number of dead people than I do today. Most of the time I thank God, the Powers that Be or whomever is out there in the great beyond. The rest I cuss myself out for being such a coward.
Even to this day, whenever "someone" visits for whatever reason. I am awakened from a sound sleep only to open my eyes to a complete stranger standing beside my bed. I do what and sane, rational person does...I yank the covers up over my head and mentally say the "Our Father" in my head about a thousand times. Then a couple more for good measure.
It's freakin' scary to open your eyes and see "someone" you don't know from Adam, standing there staring down at you. And if that doesn't jump start your heart, you squinch your eyes shut only to have your brain kick in, snap your eyes open again and "they" don't even have the courtesy to still be there. I mean - come on, "You" wake me up, scary the living crap out of me... atleast stick around to say "Hi, how are ya?"
The instinctual feeling that someone is there is similar to having one of your children come into your room in the middle of the night. Or if you don't have children, then one of your drunken buddies crash and can't seem remember where the bathroom is. If you are a light sleeper, your subconscious hear the foot steps to your bed or notice the change of smell in the room. (Everyone does have their own unique smell.) If you're really good you just have the sense sense that somebody is there. Either way you stretch, opening your eyes a little and mutter whatever the response is to the question asked. If you're a heavy sleeper your child/buddie may have to call you a few times or even poke you. The end result is the same. You stretch, crack your eyes a bit and rollover and mutter.
Now imagine going through the above mentioned actions as they may apply to you. But when you open your eyes - it ain't your child or friend standing there looking at you. In fact it's a "person" you've never seen before. If you're lucky, there is space between you and this other "person". Like a foot or so from the edge of your mattress. As a society we're conditioned to notice things, you should be able to see facial features, upper body, clothing. What kind and colour and make of shirt and so forth. Since you don't recognize this "person" your mind will automatically do this for an accurate description later. A quick thinker may think that their house has been broken into.
Now if you're not so lucky you get "someone" that is right up in your face. Speaking from experience it is rather unsettling to wake up to another face less than six inches away. That time I did more than just hide under my covers, I squeaked. I'm not a screamer by nature. people who like to come up behind me and "Got'cha" me get little more than and sharp intake of breath. And by no means is this an invitation to try and see if you can make me shriek.
In this instance awakening, looking right into the eyes of another "person", I'm embarassed to admit, I backed the fuck up, dive rolled over squeaking as I curled into a tight little ball. I don't believe I moved for the remainder of the night. Sadly it was the next day I realised who my visitor was.