Sung to my oldest everytime I had to dress her as she didn't like it very much. Sung to the tune "Breaking Up is Hard To Do"
Don't grab those clothes
To put on me
Don't you make me cry my eyes in
Think of all that we'll go thru
That's why getting dressed is hard to do
Remember when
You held me tight
And I started sleepin
All thru the night
Think of all that we've gone thru
that's why getting dressed is hard to do
The say that getting dressed-is-hard to do
Now mom knows
She knows that it's true
Don't grab that sleeper again
Instead of getting dressed
I think I should be getting bathed againg
I beg of you
Please - no more socks
Then I won't spit up
Upon my tops
Think of all we're going thru
Getting dressed is hard to do
OK this is one of the few exceptions, this was written when I was 20