Came across some stuff I wrote between the ages of 14 and 18. So I will be posting as I find time.
The air is thick
The sky a cloudy grey
A cool breeze russles the leaves
If I stand close enough
The wind can blow a spray
Of the rain that showers down
Upon my face
It is cool and inviting
Not at all the hot tense feeling
One would expect during the summer
The temptation to splash about
In the puddles
Is great-
Yet I only watch
Leaning against the foyer
To the pitter pat of the drops
The swish of the puddles
As the wind blows
Instead of playing
I admire the beauty of it all
The calm, cleansing feeling
I can find no where else
Sweet serenity I pray will last
Natures greatest gift
Thank you
This was written pre-migraines. I used to love thunderstorms and rain in general. I found them soothing and would sit in my bedroom window and just watch.