Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pain thrums persistantly in the soft part of my temples.
Nausea rolls thru my stomach in waves.
It's OK, OK I tell myself, I haven't eaten...I'm just hungry...
Sharp stab, like a staccato beat knifes thru the right side of my forehead
Gorse rises into the back of my throat, almost chocking me
Still repeating in my head everything is OK, I turn over and stretch
Bad move...feels like ice picks violently poking into my skull
My left leg twitches
Forced like someone is touching it with an exposed wire
A muscle spasm?
Stop worrying, get up and get some food into you
Swing into a sitting postion and the world drops out behind me
Stomach lurches, I wait for this to pass.
Throbbing in the right side of my forehead and my ear
Left leg twitching still...
Fear begins to claw up inside, I try to squelch it with a mental I'll take a hand full of pills, it'll be fine
Just need to eat and take some drugs...no worries
Agony on the right, seeing stars almost and twitching on the left
Fear turns to terror, as eating is makes it worse
Can't make it to work, got to go to work, need the money...
Oh please God don't let me be having....
Ferverent prayers to everyone I can think of
A second one could render me brocolli-like
My heart pounding in horror and frustration...fucking useless I am
Kids shreik with laughter, and run down the hall, things sound 10x's louder than they are
Anger like the pounding surges forth...do they have to be so loud?
I clamp down on that as I know it's just that I feel so poorly I'm getting mad
I grab my head to block the noise and contain the torment with in
Swaying, then stumbling to the left, decision is made
Feeling shame and a disappointment, I call the Boss and ask him to work for me
Thank God he's understanding, he does a better job anyways
Crawl back into my cave like room and try not to dwell on my leg, still jolting
My stomach one big clenched fist, barely allowed the meds down
Making me gag to show it's displeasure
One more prayer...Please God, just let me get to sleep...and if I don't wake up....hope you're ready for me