Sunday, April 19, 2009

....and I'm the Bad Guy

You behave like a little child.
Oblivious to everything around you.
Always expecting your way.
Regardless of others.

You play the martyred victim
While creating havoc and damage
Then lie and feign innocence
When called on it, you're just "playing the game"

You blame others for your downfall
Use words like inconvenienced, greedy and bitch
Are you that incapable of seeing past your nose
Does it escape you, that you are the direct cause of this

You claim ignorance, asking why? why? why?
Like I woke up and decided to make your life hell
I wonder when you will realise that it's NOT about YOU
I wonder if you will ever see what your disinterest has wrought

You'll take care of YOUR kids
It's still YOUR house
YOU'RE the boss
Yet you average two hours a day here

And in the next breath
You claim not to have lived her for half a year
You don't help YOUR kids with their lives
You don't clean up in YOUR house

I do that, you're never here long enuff
Or you can't be bothered
You waste my time with bullshit that's unnecessary
Then don't understand my anger and frustration

You think you had it bad when you're here
You've been picked at and screwed over
You think I've stayed silent because of guilt
You have no idea how wrong you are

When you move out and you have your money
My silence ends
I don't recommend you continue to play the victim
I won't allow it, I'm surprised your arrogance allows it

It may sound like I'm saving up anger
To blow when you're gone, but that's not it
I simply won't tolerate your snide little remarks
Those days of keeping the peace for the girls will be done

Here is a wake up call...
You are going to find out what I really think
Of your actions, your lies and your lack of moral fortitude
You aren't going to like what I have to say

I expect you to spin things, call me a liar
Then I will remind you that given the choice of
Being a fool or a liar, you chose "playing the game"
Would you know the truth if it smacked that smug look off your face?

Image is everything to you
Your vanity and arrogance astounding
But, how can you be so hard done by if I'm not the bad guy
Thankfully, people are starting to see, I'm not the person you've painted me to be

Sux 2 B U Picasso!!!