The world is a cruel, cruel place
Everyone in it taking, never giving
Trust nothing and no one
The world is a beautiful place
Everyone loves everyone
Caring and sharing make the world go round
Two very different concepts of life
One - you'll never be hurt
You'll learn self reliance and independence
You will never let yourself feel completely loved and cherished
The other will help you feel happy and whole
Inspire you to give
And learn the harsh realities of life the hard way
Because of this we need to strike a balance
Between the good and the bad
Maybe then we will see the world as it truly is
It's not as cruel as it looks
Yet not everyone will like you, let alone love you
So you must find the middle path
Trust not until trust is earned
Give a little more, when you can
the world is indeed a beautiful place, so take the time to make it just a little more special
Trying to teach myself to find a happy medium.