Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tight Jeans, Eh??

Written before Eh! was associated with being Canadian.

Look at me
Look hard, look deep
Tell me what you see
Don't worry about what to say
Don't be eloquent, tell me what you really see
You can't say the wrong thing - it's your opinion
Besides you can't say anything that hasn't been said before.
Sometimes I wish I could step outside myself
And watch me
I know what I look like
I know how I act
But still, it'd be fun to see it from an outside point of view
I wonder what I'd think of me
If I didn't know me
I'd probably see what everyone else see's.....
What I want them to see
A female in tight jeans with an attitude
Too bad that's all you'll ever see of me
You'd never know that I'm not just some dumb tease
But someone who is comfortable in her clothes
And my attitude?
A filter, keeps me from people who would do me harm
But this is all you'll ever see
It's really too bad, you know?
You'll never see the other side of me
The happier, sunny side
And I do have one
You'll never notice me offer up my seat to an elderly lady on a crowded bus
Or see me holding a friend
When they are of broken hearts
You'll sure see my protective instincts
When some one I care for is threatened
All you'll ever see is what I allow you to see
I feel sorry for you, never giving me the chance
You are missing out on me

Bad day at school. Interesting how some things never change!