Monday, June 1, 2009

Everything I May Need to Know about Life, I'm Learning from my Hamster

I'm watching the hamster, running in her wheel. Getting no where fast. And I'm struck how that very thought seems to apply my life. Round and round and round the blue wheel turns. Going a mile a minute, yet stuck in the very same place. Stopping every minute or so to catch her breath then she starts up again. I wonder if each time she begins to run, does she think that something different may happen from the last umteenth time she ran. Or does she realise that no matter how fast she runs it never changes.

I glance over and notice that she is running in the opposite direction. Change is good, keeps life fresh and interesting. Then I look again, and she's back to running the her usual way. I guess old habits die hard. We're all creatures of habit. Change sometimes being excruiciating and difficult. And just plain impossible for some.

I'm still watching the hamster and thinking that she might be the wisest one of all. She has everything she needs, food, water, someone to clean her cage. And periods of excitement and exploration when she's in her ball. And she bites you when you get too close to her. Fear causes her to react so, not knowing if the person is going to harm or help her. She doesn't descriminate, she bites everyone.

At the end of the day, she cleans herself and builds up her cozy nest. Curls into a little ball and goes to sleep. She appears to be happy. Gobbles up the odd tidbits of fruit or what not we give her. Seems to enjoy being talked to, will even smell you. But I must confess I am afraid to put my hand too near her. Maybe that makes me a bit of a coward but, biting hurts, more than I thought those sharp little teeth could. And she's already bit me once.