I'm tired...bone tired
I cannot describe how utterly exhausted I am
And yet I find it ironic
That after a time of silence - I write again
Only you would provoke the words
In a twisted way, making you my muse
You don't believe me when I say
I have no wish to strike out at you....I don't
Violence is an emotional response
One I can ill afford
To keep what little sense I have
I will bury such feelings deep
So very deep, they will take years to surface
In the meantime, life will go on as it should
It won't work you say??
You underestimate how well I can deceive myself
You'll have to forgive me if I become acerbic
Say things that seem mean or callous...
Familiarity and soft feelings cause nothing but pain
And I choose to protect myself the only way I know how
A simple gesture could be my undoing...if I let it